Are You Not Entertained? Purdue


Are You Not Entertained? Purdue
The man of the week, Smooth Jazz Kenny G.

Air it out. Well, Braxton did some work on the passing game, and probably would have thrown more passes than he has in any game all season if he hadn’t gotten hurt. Considering Guiton tossed 10 (not counting his spike), that matches up fairly well.

The obvious… The defense actually did a pretty damn fine job. The first touchdown pass was fairly boneheaded, and Purdue victimized us on the edge with the throw-back passes and screens (but, honestly, we saw that coming). Most importantly, when it mattered most, they got the job done.

Special Teams keep being special. The special teams certainly had an impact. The positive side were the two blocked kicks. The negative side was the 100-yard kickoff return.

No sleepy nooner. It was sleepy for the better part of 4 quarters. It woke itself right up at the end, though.

Color coordinate. The pink out looked more like a Scarlet, Gray, and white out that someone had washed in hot water.


Less points scored for the other team. 22 points is certainly less than 49, but it was nearly enough to get the job done. I would say that’s a few too many, certainly.

Passing Braxton. I already mentioned this above, but Braxton was passing at a somewhat more frequent than average click.

Devin Smith. Catch. The. Football. He caught the one that mattered, and two total on the day. The 39-yarder was a thing of beauty at a critical moment, though.

An end to “color outs”. Please let this be the last of them. As I mentioned on twitter when the first reports of the Pink out trickled in, “Hmm…I think it’s an appropriate moment for this ->”


Are You Not Entertained? Purdue
He could've built a house in the space he had available.

Kenny G.Wow. I think we have a postive, certifiable, winner here. Kenny Guiton’s 6/11 passing for 77 yards and a touchdown might be one of the most heroic quarterback statlines in Ohio State history. But, we all knew that already.

Positive Turnovers. Hah, not so much. The refs certainly helped us out with one of those, and the Braxton Miller arm-punt to end the first half didn’t really count. Still, 4 turnovers to 1 is not “positive”.

Passing Fancy. Yup, 31 throws on the day. Only 15 receptions though, partly due to drops from the receivers. Any more of that and we’re going to start looking like Michigan State.

Just once. And more on Saturday. Will you ever learn? Or is this the start of true insanity?


Defense. There was most certainly a defense on that field in Scarlet and Gray – as long as you ignore the first play from scrimmage.

Youth at LB stepping up. Seems like the youth at linebacker is all wrapped up in the walking wounded. Considering we’ve moved a former high school linebacker, converted to Fullback, back to linebacker, and dropped one of our best D-lineman into the Sam spot, means we’re not seeing a lot of youth at the linebacker spot.

Another Stellar performance by Miller. Stellar it was not. He had his moments, and put in a lot of work, but he was outshone by his backup in this one. This may have been the game that officially ends his Heisman campaign for the year, unfortunately.


Are You Not Entertained? Purdue
The defense got the job done when it mattered most.

Defense. They were there, and made a strong showing of it. There’s still a lot more work for them to do, but they’re making positive strides despite the difficulties this season.

More XBrax360. XBrax looked more like the original model this week. The Purdue defense had him bottled up nice and tight.

Less Penalties. You wanted less than 10 penalties for 91 yards. The Buckeyes delivered 4 penalties for 29 yards. They certainly gave you your wish this week!

Excitement in the ‘Shoe. Holy crap that couldn’t have been any more exciting. The fans may not have been in it until the end, but they were fully engaged at that point. That was some crazy exciting football!

Joe L.

No big plays from Purdue. They had two, including the very first play from scrimmage. Perhaps try reverse psychology next week?

Noah Spence breakout game. He had a strong showing, but a breakout game might be a stretch. He’s definitely improving with experience, and will be a force for us up front in the coming years.

More improvement from Carlos Hyde. Carlos Hyde kept churning his feet, despite the Purdue defense making life miserable. Gotta feel good about what he can do, even if he didn’t show any improvement in this one.

Defend the spread. We defended it well when we needed to, but struggled on the edge as we have all season long.

Now for something completely different.

We’re making a small change around these parts – we want to know what you want to see happen on Saturday! Just tweet your what you want to see to @ErictBBC with the hashtag #WDYWTSpsu. That’s it! The four or five best will be picked for inclusion in next week’s article!

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