Let Penn State Think It’s OSU’s Rival

Let Penn State Think It's OSU's Rival
Everybody Hurts... Sometimes

Penn State fans hate Ohio State fans much more than Ohio State fans hate Penn State ones.

Penn State linebacker Michael Mauti made some comments earlier this week that seem to have OSU fans upset. My advice to OSU fans is just to let it go.

Why? Because Penn State doesn’t have anything else.

I am a firm believer of teams being able to have multiple rivals, but there will always be one that stands above all. For Ohio State, that team is obviously Michigan.

Penn State doesn’t have a Michigan-like rival. So, what do PSU fans do? They hate the team that has seen the most success in the conference in recent years.

The last two times the Buckeyes traveled to Happy Valley–in 2007 and 2009–I was there too. I spent two separate weekends in State College and went to both games at Beaver Stadium, both of which were Buckeye blowout wins I might add.

Before the game, my friends and I couldn’t walk anywhere around town without hearing it from somebody. I found it all in good fun, but you could tell that the PSU fans are just a little bit on edge when the Buckeyes come to town.

One Penn State fan (I’m assuming she was a student) attempted to insult me by asking, “why do you even go to Ohio State, were you too stupid to get in to Penn State?”

Sick burn, I know. I just laughed and said, “actually it’s because I’m from Ohio.”

I don’t think I was ever more excited to be wearing an Ohio State jersey after a game, though. I didn’t even have to say anything to the PSU fans. I simply walked out of the stadium smiling at all of them.

So, I guess what I’m trying to say is go easy on the PSU fans because Ohio State is to them what Michigan is to Ohio State.

Even though it’s not like that to Buckeye fans, just remember that it’s not their fault they chose to be a fan of the wrong school.

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