Are You Not Entertained? Skunk Weasels


Are You Not Entertained? Skunk Weasels
Microcosm of the last decade wrapped into one nice, neat little image.

Rattle the QB.He got rattled eventually. The couple of times he got hit and coughed up the football would have been enough, excluding the few times he got eaten in the backfield. Nice shot by Zach Boren, by the way.

Make Them Guess. They didn’t really have to make them guess, and I’m not certain they even tried. The game plan seemed pretty cut and dried, and was not excessively outside what we’ve seen in other games this season.

Take It Back. The Buckeyes clearly showed that the last year was an aberration. You have to wonder what was going through Brady Hoke’s mind as he stormed off the field in Columbus on Saturday. I’d like to think the shiver he got was Dave Brandon throwing away his resume.


Bring the noise. I was all the way up in 28C (only a few rows from the top), but it still seemed pretty loud overall – especially at the end.

Line dominance. Boy, the way they were blocking for Carlos Hyde on offense, you’d think Michigan wasn’t even there. Hyde busted run after long run and seemed nigh close to unstoppable – give the hog-mollies some of the credit for that.

Feed Carlos. 26 carries, 146 yards and a touchdown. Not a bad day of work.

The Reckoning. Carlos Hyde made Denard Robinson “eat” that gesture by mimicking it himself.


JUICE. It wasn’t quite so loud in the middle, especially with Michigan holding a 21-20 lead at the half, but it got louder the closer the game came to ending. And that pick near the end? Perfection.

Denard…being sacked. He wasn’t really “sacked” per se, and his first half stats were sick (6 carries 126 yards). Thankfully, the Buckeye defense made him pay for it in the 2nd on 4 carries for…. minus 4 yards.

Send a Message. Message sent and received. They’re still uppity in Ann Arbor, but they’ve gotta be quaking in their boots a little.


Are You Not Entertained? Skunk Weasels
You know how you can tell this is 2012 and not 2002? 2002 had students hanging on the goalposts.

A Win. You got your win, Sir. I hope it was as enjoyable as you dreamed it to be.

Epic Crowd. The crowd was pretty hopping, especially at the end. The field rush looked surprisingly familiar – like I had seen it on another cold November day back in 2002.

2002 All Over Again. A lot of the story lines from that game were the same. The interception to basically seal the deal, the strong OSU rushing attack, balanced by a reasonable but not perfect passing game. The field rush to seal the day.

Planted Gardner. Gardner was spitting rubber pellets all the way back to Michigan after that one.

Offensive Explosion. There were a couple great plays, and I can’t say enough about the Carlos Hyde running game, but it wasn’t the explosion we’ve all been hoping for this year. Maybe next season.

Let’s Get Denarded. He got buried – in the second half. Once the defense realized they could safely ignore him as a passing threat, his day was done.

Three In A Row. Looks like you’re going to be asking for it to start next season. I counted no less than four false starts in that one, and name-dropped you on every one.


Better Braxton. He continued to struggle on the designed runs – defenses clearly had that one figured out from our game film. Way too predictable there. But the 14-18 passing for 189 yards was impressive.

Simonization. This has to be the saddest part of the entire game. Hopefully the entire defense played with the thought of Simon in their violence. He deserved another shot at Michigan after last season.

Joe L.

Are You Not Entertained? Skunk Weasels
Come at me bro.

A Pounding. Wasn’t the pounding you were hoping for, but it was the kind of loss they won’t soon forget. That will eat at them for years.

350+ total yards for Braxton. Braxton only connected on 246 yards in this one, as he was bottled up for 57 on the ground. Something to hope for next year.

The Best all around game we have seen all season. It was a pretty good game – but the best all season? There’s certainly room for improvement going into next year.


Notre Dame, Alabama, and Georgia losses. No, no, and no! I even forgot to mention Florida here, not that it mattered. On the plus side, the chances of an All-SEC title game this year are nil. Not sure how I feel about trading that for ND in the title game, though.

Big day for the running game. I only got 2/3rds of the yards I wanted against the Skunk Weasels, but 207 yards is nothing to scoff at in a late season B1G game.

Carlos breaks 1000. He came up precisely 30 yards short of 1000 yards on the season. There’s no question that Wisconsin can take the credit for that, but a couple yards here and there all season could’ve made the difference. Must be insanely frustrating.

Bring Gardner crashing back to reality. And crash he did, straight into the turf with Zach Boren trying to run through him. Gardner had his moments, but he had a lot more that were favorable to the Buckeyes.

A win. Certainly saved the best for last. The Buckeyes walk away with a 12-0 season, made ever better by the win that matters most.

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