Patrick Kaleta is a notorious coward and turtle. The guy wouldn’t fight someone face to face or try to fight someone his own size if you gave him a million dollars. If you told him to hit someone like Chara or Thornton and then not run away and he’d end world hunger, he’d still run. He just doesn’t have an ounce of respect, bravery or courage in him.
He is a talentless cheapshot artist who sucks at both hockey and life. Wednesday night he was at it again, dishing out headbutts like they were candy.
[youtube=]The guy is a world class assclown. No idea why anyone in Buffalo likes him, though the entire city also thinks Ryan Miller is clutch and that Ville Leino is worth the money so obviously there is some kind of intelligence problem over there.
By now you’re asking yourself… Kaleta can’t really be like this all the time, can he? Is he always THIS much of a douche? A few simple pictures we found in the Kaleta family album more than answer your questions.
After the jump…. a day in the life of Patrick Kaleta….
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