Words of Wisdom from The Golden Brett

Words of Wisdom from The Golden Brett

Hear that? One damage to target creature!! OMGz!!
MTG Lair

I, for one, thought that we may have heard the last of the interesting banter about Brett Hull when he left/was fired from NBC earlier in the summer and took a vaguely-titled upper management position with the Dallas Stars. If only I wasn’t so pessimistic. Of course, Brett loves us and wants to give us something interesting to talk about — before the season starts, no less.

Sunday’s Dallas Morning News gives us a look into part of what Hull’s new job entails; motivating 37-year old Mike Modano. It’s just another side — Hockey Life Coach — we have yet to see from Hull, a jack of all trades.

Hull’s biggest job as special advisor to the hockey operations department might be to keep Modano on task this season, to help the franchise leader in pretty much every department unleash a game tailored for today’s NHL.

“I tell him to think about scoring goals,” Hull said. “I told him with the rules changes [the crackdown on hooking and holding in 2005], he should be skating hard and going to the net. With his size and his speed, nobody should be able to stop him.”

That’s right Mike; score goals. The Stars are paying Hull… why?

This leads me to recollect other life changing advice from Brett Hull.

Well, that last one was made up. Anyway, it’s good to have Brett back. He really helps liven up a boring weekend in the hockey world.

Ballhype – Words of Wisdom from The Golden Brett

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