Dedicated to bringing you the very best…and Jags fans

We’ve mentioned before how hilarious the column ‘Ask Vic’ can be. Especially awesome was today’s edition that bears the title “It’s because the questions were bad”. In it Vic the wonder dog answers questions from several top shelf Jags fans, further illustrating why the Jags are easily the league’s most mockable franchise.

I especially liked the guy who wants the Jags to draft more local guys to raise fan interest. What a fun bunch of know-nothings those Jag fans are!

Also, check out this hilarious comment from Joe Theismann. The question was: who is the best defensive player ever?

Joe Theismann: Taylor I don’t want to sound like a homer for saying this, but Taylor has to be considered the greatest ever for three reasons. One, no defensive player has ever had an impact on the game the way he did. Teams simply didn’t know how to stop him because he was too big and too fast for opposing blockers. Second, there aren’t many other defensive players who inspired their teammates to be better the way LT did. His offensive teammates didn’t want to come to the sideline after a three-and-out series because they knew they had let him down. The final reason is probably the biggest. Ever since LT stepped onto the field, every general manager in the NFL has tried to find a linebacker in the same league as him. While there have been some guys who have had amazing seasons or great runs for two or three seasons, none has sustained that level of greatness over the course of his career like LT.

Oh yeah, and reason #4…HE SNAPPED ME LIKE A TWIG. Seriously, Joe, do you even know what a homer is? We at 18to88 are homers. LT didn’t play for your team, he BROKE YOUR F***ING LEG! How does that make you a homer? Did you grow up with him or something? Was he in your cub scout troop?

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