The Playoffs are Near

So, now that I’m unemployed I have way too much free time. I realized, just now, that there are far too many enjoyable sporting events. Now that I have discovered them, it’s entirely possible that I won’t be able to pry myself away from a television for the next couple of months. I’m at a loss for what I should write about night in and night out, and at the same time, I don’t want to keep writing solely about sports.
Look at the schedule! Hockey starts in less than a month and the Wild are exciting and full of promise, the NFL just got started and that is yet to dissappoint in 41 years. Of course, I have also gotten into European soccer, and constantly check the internet for updates on Brann and Blackburn. Most important, currently, however, is that the baseball season is winding down, and the Twins, in case you haven’t heard, are in the thick of the hunt.
At the same time, for whatever reason, my fellow Twins fans seem to be in the throes of panic, and I am an island of mental stability. I don’t have any idea how this happened. In any case, here is some advice for my cohorts in fandom from one perennial pessimist to a few short term pessimists. It will help you through the end of the season.
1. Don’t worry about our pitching staff: Ok, so Radke and Liriano are hurt, but do you know what? The Twins have been doing all right trotting out a bunch of young guys like Matt Garza, Boof Bonser and Scott Baker. The Twins have been spoiled with excellent pitching the past few years, so when they trot out merely servicable guys, it’s easy to worry, but this season, the Twins have an offense. And don’t forget that the Twins bullpen is the premier crew in the league, so all you need out of Garza or Baker is 5 innings, and you’re set. So don’t worry about the pitching staff. Besides, these starts, holding them to the flame like this will help the maturation of this staff. Watch out for them down the road. I don’t want to oversell them, but the rotation could be as good as the Braves of the mid 90’s in a few years.
2. Embrace Torii Hunter and Rondell White:I know that Hunter and White have been lamented by many fans, but listen up. These guys are our most veteran everyday players and therefore the most reliable in the postseason. Sure, the potential is greater from guys like Mauer, Morneau and Cuddyer, but in their first postseason as marquee players on the team, who knows what could happen?
3. Don’t fall in love with utility players: Jason Tyner, Luis Rodriguez, and guys of their ilk. Those are the guys I’m talking about. They did their job during the regular season, spelling the starters and getting key hits here and there, but don’t be miffed if they don’t play much in the post season. As I mentioned, this is the time for the veterans to step up, so expect to see Phil Nevin pinch hitting more often than you may be comfortable with. But don’t worry. It’s all part of the plan. Jason Kubel may make some appearances as well.
So there you go. The Twins are doing WELL. Don’t worry about them so much – Ryan

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