Blurbs Shorter than Barry Trotz’s Neck

This is pretty much the perfect week for the random weekly recap. There is a World Series going on, in case you didn’t hear, but it involves two teams I’m not particularly enthusiastic about. There was a lot of good college football, and I actually got to watch a lot of it (since anyone who would otherwise nag me was in Arizona, and I had a raging hangover that made watching college football the perfect medicine). Hockey is in full swing, and in case you didn’t hear, God loves hockey. (Read the comments). And of course, what with there no Twins games to see, I’ve been going to the movies. Let’s take a look at the week that was.

ITEM ONE: I would be remiss if I didn’t mention a little baseball series going on in Detroit and St. Louis right now. Two storied teams meet in a clash of what will assuredly be a classic, and seems as though it already is after two games. I love the series when two teams have something to fight for, where the players don’t necessarily have the swagger that a smug team like the Yankees do. Neither team is the “just happy to be there” team like the Astros were last year, and quite frankly, the Twins were in the playoffs this year. Albert Pujols still needs to prove himself a champion (which I think he will) and Kenny Rogers has already resorted to cheating just to get that Ring for his team. I think the Cardinals have the upper hand. They aren’t rusty and they have the momentum.

ITEM TWO: Wow, that Notre Dame, huh? And Brady Quinn! Not anybody can find a 6’3 guy wide open and have him run over two defensive backs for 30 additional yards and a touchdown. And against a fantastic team like UCLA too! I’m blown away by Brady Quinn!

ITEM THREE: After seeing The Departed, I feel slighted that I wasn’t born with a ridiculous accent, and I couldn’t fake one if you paid me. That was far and away my favorite part of the movie. My least favorite, of course, was that nobody shot Alec Baldwin.

ITEM FOUR: The Lord’s game, hockey, is fully underway. It’s clear that the Buffalo Sabres are the class of the league early on. Can it last? Probably not. But they are doing it against good teams, most notably Montreal twice, including on the road tonight. They also won at Detroit, which isn’t really as exciting this year as it may sound. Maybe keeping a guy like Lindy Ruff around isn’t a bad idea. The Wild continue to work with Jacque Lemaire, which seems to be working as well. Barry Trotz is doing well in Nashville, and he is the only coach that franchise has ever had. He had to sell his neck to get a contract extension, however. I would love to talk about the Wild this week, but the games were so late! Who put two teams in Los Angeles, anyways?

ITEM FIVE: How do you feel about Christian Okoye? I think he gave the Chiefs of the early 90’s a great RUSHING GAME. (Seriously, I bet Dierdorf got all the ladies. That was a sweet moustache.)

ITEM SIX: The otehr movie I saw was Man of the Year. It wasn’t terrible, but I wouldn’t recommend paying 9 bucks for it. Definitley worth a rental, but nobody needs to see Robin Williams make the moves on Laura Linney on the big screen.

ITEM SEVEN: In case you were wondering why I didn’t mention the Gophers or Boilermakers yet, then you don’t follow college football. Ugh. I just want to cry.

Until tomorrow – Ryan

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