Twelve Million Dollars Will Buy You Choo Freeman’s Cousin.

I’m a Torii Hunter apologist. I admit it. He won the gold glove again this year in one of the most important defensive positions, and really, there was only one person you could make a viable case for against Hunter, and that was Gary Matthews Jr., whom Hunter was a totally different hitter than. Really, Matthews is the only player in the league comparable to Torii Hunter. Since the Twins have already picked up Hunter’s option, I’m going to defend that decision for Terry Ryan.
Lets first look at his offense. Hunter has always been a power hitter more than a contact hitter like Matthews, and frankly that’s what the Twins need. There are several top and bottom of the order guys, and the home team doesn’t need the prototypical light hitting center fielder. Minnesota does need that third RBI man, however, which they get with Hunter and guys getting on in front of him.
In the field, Hunter’s most talked about play was the one he missed in the outfield against the A’s in the playoffs. I’m sure you remember it. He dove. He missed. The ball rolled to the wall. It was an inside the parker. It was horrible. However poorly you think Hunter played that ball (and he did) it was only misplayed because A) he got the jump on the ball and B) he had the confidence that he had made plays like that countless times before. Thats the advantage you get from Torii over Matthews. This was really Gary Matthews’ break out season. He doesn’t have that track record in the field like Hunter does. He’s still quick, but Hunter now has the instints he lacked in the beginning of his career.
Essentially, Torii Hunter can command twelve million dollars because he earned it. He’s irreplacable. There is nobody like him in the league. This is before we get to his positive media image locally and nationally. Financially, the Twins are usually gunshy about throwing money around that liberally, but this coming season with Brad Radke no longer on the books and low cost, high talent guys filling other holes, the money is their. It’s a one year commitment. If Hunter decides to come back in 2008, it will have to be for considerably less, but next season, he’s getting twelve mil, and he deserves it. – Ryan

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