Hot Blooded

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and nobody overspent at the mall on Friday. Unless, of course, you were spending on me. But I find that unlikely. In any case, it’s about time for me to review some of the moments that made last week special.

ITEM ONE: USC beat Notre Dame by about as much as the Michigan Wolverines did, and somehow, the Trojans are ahead of Michigan in the polls, despite the fact that Southern Cal lost to Oregon State and Michigan lost by three on the road to the number one team in all the land. I understand that the philosophy of “Michigan had their chance, let someone else have a turn” exists, but why USC? If you really think that USC is better than Michigan, that’s fine, but consider this. USC lost to Oregon State who lost to Boise State, a team that is undefeated. Silly as it may seem, I think it’s a much more defensible alternative. Go Broncos!

ITEM TWO: Since the vaunted Steve will be helping out with the NFL recap tomorrow, and I will giving my summary of the Vikings game later tonight, the very least I could do is give my take on the Thanksgiving action. Briefly, Joey Harrington is downright effective now that he has some semblance of support around him. And after this revalation, Daunte Culpepper is probably finished in the league. Nobody that has an offensive line will take the chance on him, and Culpepper’s knees won’t allow him to be successful somewhere where the protection is subpar. It’s too bad, because he never was able to live up to his potential, and it really wasn’t his fault. In Dallas Tony Romo is winning a believer in me. I hate when that happens. I hate it when Chris Berman latches on to someone before I do. I hate it more when someone in Dallas is successful. Screw Brenden Morrow too. As for the late game, I hope the NFL Network studios burn to the ground and what’s left of Rich Eisen’s hair catches on fire. (In case you couldn’t tell, I don’t get the NFL Network.)

ITEM THREE: I don’t think I can talk about the Gophers basketball team (but football team, good luck at the Insight Bowl! Prestigious!) without weeping. I mean, really crying. Truly, breaking down in bitter tears. I guess all I’m left with is giving you my favorite box score of the week in college basketball. It looks like the people who were at the IPFW-Western Illinois game got their money’s worth. Of course, on the other hand, you could say they got more than they bargained for.

ITEM FOUR: After listening to some Foreigner all day (don’t ask) I have to say, Lou Gramm could totally do punk.

ITEM FIVE: The Wild got the monkey that is Yanic Perrault off their back by destroying the Coyotes the day after Thanksgaving. Unfortunately, life hasn’t got any better for the still Gaborikless Wild, after they dropped a tough game in Montreal and got thwarted in Columbus. The defense isn’t playing well, but generally, when you have offensive forwards with bum wheels, things don’t go so swimmingly for a hockey team. They need Manny Fernandez to be superhuman in order to pick up those important points in the standings.

I’m sure there was much more that I was thinking of to say in this post, but for now, that will do. – Ryan

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