Writer’s Block

I’m a little out of sorts right now. I didn’t even realize that the last post I wrote was the 200th, which is less exciting since I am posting a lot more frequently than I ever did in the first year of the Times’ existence, and those pencil necked geeks over at Victoria-Weather already have over 300 posts in considerably less time. Well, I felt the need to write up a post on the whole Roger Clemens situation, revealing that deep down inside, I don’t hate the Yankees as much this year as I usually do, but then with Clemens walking in acting like his feces don’t have an odor, I hate thm again. Unfortunately, the Washington Post beat me to it.
Next, I thought maybe I should mention Barry Bonds on his chase for the home run record since it’s been making news. I’ll be fairly excited when he gets the record, because in a few decades, the steroid story is likely to be forgotten, save, perhaps, for a stray asterisk, and it will be an interesting story to tell my kids, little Arvid and Prudence, where I was when Barry hit the homer. Steroids are only a part of the story, I’ll tell Arvy and Princess Prudence (they’ll say they hate those nicknames, but secretly love them), but its still an impressive accomplishment. Strength is only part of the equation. But of course, I’ve been told that people don’t want to hear about Barry F’ing Bonds, so I’ll drop the subject.
I considered something on the NHL playoffs, where the locally hated Ducks face the nationally hated Red Wings in the West, in what should be a good, physical series, contrary to the standard play out west. In the east, the Sabres and Senators will compete in a matchup of the two teams that had one of the most epic fights of the decade. Of course, I can’t really provide any good insight, since the game is on Versus, a network that we don’t get here in Victoria. I would talk to Mediacom about this, but I really don’t think can read. English soccer falls in the same category. I enjoy it, but I can’t ever watch it.
As I mentioned in the previous post, this past weekend was big for a few sports that usually aren’t on our collective radars, with the Kentucky Derby on and the De la Hoya – Mayweather fight. I thought maybe I could take a look at some other sports I usually don’t pay attention to, like Arena Football (still terrible) or UFC (even worse). I couldn’t bring myself to do it.
What about NASCAR? I thought then. I’ve actually been paying attention to it this year, because I’ve had weekends off and little to no social life. I can’t sit down and watch a full race, but it catches my attention when it’s on, because lets face it, it has shiny cars and they go really, really fast. What’s not to like? Of course, I don’t really have a rooting interest outside of maybe Ryan Newman because he went to Purdue, but I’m not sure how I could turn that into a full post. I don’t even understand the strategy involved. Just go faster! This means no racin’ post.
Lastly, I was thought of going through the local paper again, and there was talk of selling the Victoria Fieldhouse (a mere 4 years old) to Southwest Christian High School to convert it into said school, which seems silly, since the Field House is only 4 years old. Other than that, it was all about expenditures and liquor permits and how great Celine Dion is. I couldn’t translate that into a full readable post.
Ugh. What could I possibly write about. Any ideas, folks?

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