About the Same Exchange Rate as Unicorns to Leprechauns

I’m going to go ahead and preface all of this by warning that I have worked the evening shift for the past 6 days and I really haven’t seen anything lately, and don’t have a particular clue as to exactly what is going on. What else is new?

ITEM ONE: The Twins have been in something of a slump lately (the past couple of games notwithstanding), and while the hitting has been mediocre and our miserable pitchers who were doing well are coming back down to earth, I see a greater cause for concern. There just doesn’t seem to be that fire in the bellies of our beloved Twins this past month. Now, I may have watched too much hockey this year, but it strikes me that one of the best ways to instill some energy in a team is to find a way to get some people ejected. Ron Gardenhire hasn’t got himself tossed in some time now. Against Detroit last Saturday, Craig Monroe hit a homerun and stalked the bases like he owned the place. In Cleveland, C.C. Sabathia drilled Justin Morneau on a suspect pitch. There was no retaliation for either incident, which would be commendable, if the team wasn’t 6-12 this month. There has been absolutely no display of team unity or intensity this season, something the squad thrived on last year.

ITEM TWO: The Ottawa Senators are in the Stanley Cup Finals for the first time, breaking a streak of futility for the past few years. They are something like the Colts of the NHL, as they came so very close in the years past, and then, with a somewhat less talented team (minus Zdeno Chara, for example) they get to the big show. For that reason, I think they will win the Cup this year, especially since Detroit and Anaheim are murdering each other in their series. Additionally, Having a team from Canada is great for the NHL, even if the American networks don’t realize this, because while hockey is marginalized in the U.S. Canada bleeds hockey. NBC celarly doesn’t understand, preempting an overtime for a two hour horse race preview.

ITEM THREE: I didn’t really have a whole lot to say, but in honor of The Office’s season finale… “we’re done.”

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