NFL Preview, AFC West

Holy crap! It’s football in less than a month! You know what that means? That’s right! It’s time to lose most of my baseball fan readers by doing a whole lot of preview posts! 9 of them, to be exact! With even more exclamation points! ! !!!!!

It’s time to pop over from the NFC (AKA the inferior conference) to the AFC (AKA the good conference). We’ll start in the west, which should be pretty cut and dried this year. Two teams in the playoffs. Two teams definitely not. Let’s move on.

Denver Broncos: I am certainly going against the grain here on this one. People getting paid to analyze the division have the Chargers as the top team here. That’s probably a good pNFL Preview, AFC Westick, but I think the Broncos may have what it takes to get over the hump. They have a better defense than the Chargers, particularly in the secondary, and though they don’t have the playmaker the chargers do in Ladanian Tomlinson, they have a consistent ground attack and added a veteran to take advantage, something they didn’t have last year. I don’t trust Jay Cutler at quarterback, but the receivers are better than they are in San Diego. Look at the Broncos to surprise a few people this year, like, say Trey Wingo.

San Diego Chargers: In my Broncos preview, I pretty much summarized the Chargers too, I suppose. Let’s add a couple little factors. Philip Rivers, in my mind is overrated. The hemorrhage that was the coaching staff could totally bring this team down, especially since they went with Norv Turner, thinking that was the best option. Additionally, their new uniform is rather ugly.

Oakland Raiders: Ooh, yes, this is a saucy pick too. Yes! Saucy! I read an interesting statistic the other day that said the Raiders were the 5th best defensive squad in all the land last year. Or something like that. I’m just pulling stats out of the air. However, it is true. The Raiders have a playmaking defense that may just keep them in games. Their offense is terrible though.

Kansas City Chiefs: Similar to the Raiders this year, except without a defense. And a worse quarterback. Their running back is good.

No matter how the Broncos and Chargers finish, they will both make the playoffs. It’s easy when you have the Raiders and Chiefs to deal with for a quarter of your season.

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