Veterinarians are bad people.

In the past few days, I’ve been pretty active, getting out there and doing all sorts of stuff really. I played a few games of real live (touch) football on Saturday, and I still can’t cross my legs without lifting one over the other. Sunday I watched football. A lot of football. Best day in months. Then today, the dog and I took a trip to the vet. Don’t worry, she’s all right, save for her ear infection, arthritis and sprained knee. Ok, maybe she’s not so all right. But anyways, at the vet, the dog and I were in the exam room, waiting for the doctor to come out and tell us what the deal was. I was reading the November 2005 US News and Wold Report, while she was flipping through the pamphlet on proper teeth care. I could hear the assistants chit chatting away about their weekend, and I realized that they were all talking about one of their hunting trips. I have to say, i was a little alarmed. Maybe vets aren’t actually animal lovers, but rather, they just like to play God with our four legged friends. Man. Veterinarians are bad people. Something my dog would have certainly agreed with when they had a thermometer in her butt.
I digress. Let’s review the week.

ITEM ONE: A few highlights in the world of college football. Minnesota got Tim Brewster his first win as coach in a dramatic overtime win over Miami. That would be the one in Ohio, not the one in Florida that’s actually known for it’s football. I think this makes the Gophers about the 6th best team in the MAC, right behind Central Michigan.
My favorite part of the early season is people realizing just how useless preseason polls are. Hawaii nosed Louisiana Tech, Michigan got throttled again, Boise State lost at Washington. LSU destroyed Virginia Tech in the Tragedy Bowl that everyone was uncomfortable watching, while Wisconsin got lucky against UNLV. Cal and Ohio State struggled with their opponents, while Georgia went ahead and lost to South Carolina. Auburn lost to South Florida and Texas A&M took overtime to beat Fresno State. Clearly, there are some things out there that still need to be sorted out. For my money, LSU has looked like the best team in the country thus far.

ITEM TWO: After two dominant performances against Eastern Illinois and Toledo, I would say that Purdue is going to be better than I expected this year, and with the way things are shaping up with the Big Ten, they could be contenders for the conference title, but they are having some problems with their top wide receiver. You see, Selwyn Lymon was out with a few friends this past summer, when he got into an altercation which resulted in his being stabbed in the chest, puncturing his lung. There were charges against Lymon and his accomplices, with Lymon receiving charges of battery, drunk driving and what he is presently being suspended for, minor consumption. The assailant is not being charged, as she was acting in self defense.
That’s right. She. Lymon was trying to pick up this young coed, apparently, and perhaps he got a little too handsy (he is a wide receiver after all) and she did what any young lady in duress would do, she stabbed him in the freaking chest. Think about that. She got all the wVeterinarians are bad people.ay to the lung which suggests that she was strong enough to cut through the ribcage to get there, or she was already so proficient with the knife, which, if she was carrying a blade instead of, say, mace or a whistle I imagine she was, that she knew to turn it to get between the ribs. Which means she probably has had cause to use the knife before.
Yeah, it’s stuff like this that led to my not dating much in college.

ITEM THREE: Baseball is becoming depressing for me. The Twins are out of contention, and they are talking about what will be done for next year already. All the scenarios talk about people being traded or otherwise signing with other teams, and I’m kinda getting bumVeterinarians are bad out. I miss the days of Kirby Puckett and Kent Hrbek staying with the team for their careers. Why do we need to tell our youngsters that Torii Hunter is now a member of [INSERT TEAM HERE]. Why can’t we just think of the children? Won’t someone think of the children?

ITEM FOUR: The Vikings looked like they were going to get blacked out locally. Does this make any sense? I mean, isn’t all the money from TV anyways? So why do that to your advertisers for the sake of 1200 tickets? I don’t get it. Especially since they weren’t going to show another game in the time slot. I’ll never understand the blackout rules. (Oh. Yeah. I’ll get that AFC East Preview up tonight.)

ITEM FIVE: Free plug for another site on the interwebs. The Dugout is doing their farewell tribute before they move to the wonderful world of the AOL Fanhouse. Read it, it’s good. The Meadowlark is bored in the Kansas prairies.

ITEM SIX: Six Items! Ok, contain yourselves. I’m going to direct your attention to Europe for a moment. The UEFA Champions league, something I wish was done with, say, hockey, is starting very soon, like, a week from tomorrow. It takes all the best European club soccer teams and has them play in their own World Cup formatted tournament. Its championship game is second only to the Super Bowl in terms of viewership, so I feel as though I should probably mention it, especially since I find it interesting. So there. Go Rosenborg!

Six items, with an NFL preview still to come tonight. Aren’t you lucky?

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