A note from Boilerdowd

As many of you have probably picked up on, we here at the Victoria Times have come to enjoy Boiled Sports. The other day, Boilerdowd fired an e-mail in response to Steve’s Notre Dame hate post last week. It turns out that HE hates Notre Dame too! Bloggers have so much in common. In any case, he like me, is a graduate of a Catholic high school and shares this anecdote about the frosty relationship between Notre Dame and Catholics who don’t have gold coin swimming pools

My high school was sued by UND last year for using the leprechaun logo. CLC(Collegiate Licensing Corp.) now has control of UND’s licensing. At one time, the priests and brothers at UND had an agreement that CHS could use the same leprechaun if they turned it the opposite direction. This “handshake” pact existed for about 50 years. Why? Because at one time, Cathedral and UND were both run by the same order of Brothers.During this period, in the early 1900s, there was a lot of cross-pollenization between the two institutions. In fact, Rockne supposedly coached a football game for Cathedral in 1918 or ’19. In the early 1900s, UND was called the Catholics, and later, the Ramblers (their logo was a terrier). Rockne really liked Cathedral’s use of the name “Fightin’ Irish” and asked if his football team could adopt it…Without hesitation, the request was granted. Later, UND borrowed a CHS icon to go along with the name they had taken…the logo evolved into the leprechaun that UND now claims as solely theirs.I’m not sure how the Irish brigade legend came about, but I am pretty sure it’s an example of revisionist history by UND.

Ah yes. Stay classy Notre Dame.

P.S., we will defintiely have something on the MLB postseason up tomorrowish.

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