Hey, Boston! (part 2)

Hey, Boston! (part 2)
Screw you again!

I should mention something about the game. I’m an avowed Colts fan, and they are the only team I root for that actually breeds optimism. When the Colts don’t perform, I’m dismayed and shocked. When the Twins, Boilermakers, Wild or Gophers don’t, I sigh and nod knowingly. That said, I fully expect the Colts to get dismantled this weekend. Bill Belichick has his squad angry and ready to tackle any opponent for any injustice real or imagined. Oh, by the way, the Colts came back and defeated the Pats last year on their way to the Super Bowl, in case you had forgotten. New England likely hasn’t.
The Patriots, as far as I can tell, may be one of the best teams of my lifetime. Worse still, there is no pressure on them from additional spotlight. They’ve been there before. They want something that nobody has done since the 70s, and I can see them doing it. They want to be undefeated. Most teams say they don’t like playing with the added pressure, but I can’t imagine the Patriots would even notice. Besides, they have the best passing game in the country (but the best overall offense still goes to the Colts) as well as a suffocating defense (something the Colts do not have) and a good special teams unit.
If the Colts want to win, they need to take a page out of Mark Richt‘s playbook and do something a little unsportsmanlike. They need to send the house when Tom Brady’s passing and hit him no matter what. Not to injure him, of course, but to let him know you’re there. Get inside his head. Even then, it might not be enough.

Screw you, Boston

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