What now about the Vikings?

On little note before I get on to this weeks NFL review. Long time center of the Minnesota Wes Walz retired recently, and I feel…. indifferent. I just wanted to mention it because he’s been such a key figure for the squad since their inception. I mean, his skills were waning and he wasn’t contributing as he or the team would like, and this IS Minnesota and he is a hockey player, so I don’t anticipate losing him all together. I expect we’ll still get a heapin’ helpin’ of Walzy for several years, retired or not. So I’m indifferent.

So anyways, it’s time for a good old fashioned review of the NFL week that was. Let’s start with the 6-6 Vikings. Wait. The what?! I need a second to digest that. Let’s get back to that.

The Bears lost to the Giants in a battle of quarterbacking ineptitude. I don’t know if anyone realizes this though, in his first few seasons, Peyton Manning was pretty bad as well. Not Eli bad, but he did have quite a turnaround. There is no precedent, however, to suggest that Rex Grossman can turn it around.

Speaking of the Bears, the 6-6 Vikings, sure — Nope. Not yet. Can’t do it.

I can’t believe I live in a world where the Browns and Cardinals are on local TV in Minneapolis. Not only that, they played a meaningful game that came down to the wire. I don’t know what to say, really. Oh, other than the fact that the Browns were robbed and Kellen Winslow was totally shoved out of bounds on that last catch. The Browns should have won.

You know what’s even more amazing than seeing the Browns-Cardinals on TV? The fact that the Vikings are 6-6! They — Good gravy this is awkward.

NBC was at a loss Sunday, not being able to show the Patriots game, as it was on ESPN. It was interesting to hear John Madden’s voice again, since he was no longer kissing Tom Brady’s ass the entire night. The Steelers continue to be an enigma, playing a surging Bengals team and winning by 14 a week after narrowly escaping against a winless team at home. At least that game provided us with the following clip.

You know what else is an enigma? The Vikings being 6-6. All right, I still can’t do it.

I can’t say anything about the Patriots – Ravens game that hasn’t already been said, but I do want to note that Brian Billick is looking more and more like Craig T. Nelson every day. Coach!
What now about the Vikings?What now about the Vikings?

OK. Now I have to say something about the Vikings. They remind me a lot of last years Bears, in that they have no passing game, they have a solid defense and a good running game. The difference is, the defense and passing game are slightly worse, but the running game is much much better. Am I saying that I think the Vikings could make it to the Super Bowl in the weak NFC this year, the answer would be…. yes?

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