Breaking: Local News Editor Keeps Anthrax in Basement.

Breaking: Local News Editor Keeps Anthrax in Basement.
If you thought that the Friday before the NFL playoffs started, I would be previewing the matchups, perhaps making some picks, you are grossly mistaken. Ok, not grossly. Redskins, Jaguars, Chargers, and Bucs, all winners. No promises, but Sunday may see some frequent posting that some could refer to as a “live blog” but I won’t because I doubt it will be very live, and since I’m entertaining, I don’t think I would be a very good host with running to the computer frequently. So, no promises. A recap, perhaps.
But I digress. There is a newspaper to investigate. Let’s go ahead and glean some information, shall we?
I have to admit, that the first story, the recap of 2007 in Victoria was a good one. It was both informative and introspective, fr th most part, highlighting all the things that make Victoria Victoria. I enjoyed it. Until the last little bit. “There were no car bombs in Victoria, no suicide terrorists, no mass graves, no torture chambers, and no reports of chemical weapons of mass destruction”. Three things. First, thank you for reminding me that Victoria is better than Baghdad. I often forget. Second, I wasn’t sure if there had been any car bombs. I thought there was one back in July, but I guess I was mistaken. Maybe it was just heartburn. Third, you say there were no chemical weapons found. Is there a stash of biological weapons floating around somewhere that I don’t know about? Do you have anthrax in your basement, Ms. Dion?
In her letters to the editor section, Ms. Dion notes that she appreciates people sending her little news stories and tidbits, because she can’t cover them all. That’s right. She directly addressed one of my biggest gripes with this particular paper with a reasonable and thought out response? What?! Is it the end of the world? Well, no, unless she releases the anthrax.
Much of the rest of the paper regarded the progress seen in Victoria. They hired a new director for the Fieldhouse and plan to expand it, and they now have plans for expanding the downtown area. All this is inline with city planning projections of the population reaching 30000 by 2030. That’s 22 years away. Thats more than 1000 people moving to Victoria a year. I wonder if they would move in if they knew about the anthrax.

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