Kiss my ass Georgia

Kiss my ass GeorgiaWith the end of the season upon us, there is still some sort of “controversy” over who should be number one. If people said that USC should be number one, I would say OK. But that’s not the case. All the controversy surrounds the Georgia Bulldogs. Yes, they absolutely destroyed Hawaii. However, USC did the same to a major conference opponent and had one fewer loss. And Georgia didn’t even win their division in their own conference.
The SEC has many faults, most of it stemming from their arrogance and refusal to play a challenging non-conference schedule, but they do get points for having such regimented organization. They have a solid method for choosing a conference champion (picking the two teams (one from each division) that had the best records and having them play head to head in a title game), that is the simplest, most rudimentary tournament out there. Yet people still can’t accept that Georgia didn’t belong in the national title picture even though they didn’t belong in their conference title game. This completely proves and at the same time refutes my complaint that a tournament is completely arbitrary. How could you POSSIBLY argue that Georgia belonged in a tournament any smaller than 32 teams when they were at best third in their own conference? But since people seem to want to crown Georgia, it’s clear that people want a tournament for the sake of a tournament rather than for fairness’ sake.
I’ll still listen to arguments, but anyone who promotes tournaments and Georgia as a national champion has lost all privileges. I’m looking at you, Dan Shanoff. (Way to essentially call Deadspin commenters retarded, too. Ass.)

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