Audience Participation: Do you think Clemens did it?

Audience Participation: Do you think Clemens did it?Usually in circumstances such as the one Roger Clemens finds himself in, I tend to believe most of the accusations against athletes, because I know how competitive they tend to be. They are pissed off if they fail, whether that failure be on the field or in some sort of social setting. Do I believe that an athlete could use steroids? Yes, and I figure that more use than any of us want to believe. Do I think athletes get into fights, commit sexual assaults or are involved any any number of lewd or lascivious acts? Yes. I’m sure there are a fair number of people looking to earn a quick buck off of athletes, but there is probably an element of truth to what is said about them as well.
That being said, the whole Roger Clemens situation seems very strange. Clemens is at the end of his career at this point with nothing left to gain. So why is he denying his steroid use so vehemently? The fact that frankly, it doesn’t matter whether or not he did steroids at this point (he had a HOF career before his alleged use began), combined with the seediness of the whole situation gives me pause. There is an inkling in the back of my mind that says, you know what, I think it’s possible that Roger Clemens is telling the truth. You?
By the way, Barry Bonds totally did ‘roids.

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