Audience Participation: What surprises await in Spring?

Audience Participation: What surprises await in Spring?
My goodness, we haven’t had an AP in some time, have we? Well, let’s honor the change in season for a bit, moving from Winter to Spring. Spring is the season of surprises in the sports world. For the most part, there are fewer in the winter or summer for numerous reasons. In the winter, the only playoffs in town are the football playoffs, and rarely are those games surprising, thanks to the overall talent that a team needs to have, and its less requent that there are upsets. Additionally, two sports, hockey and basketball are in the doldrums of the heart of their season. In the summer, there is one game in town, and it is in the middle of it’s dog days.
But ah the Spring. There are ALWAYS surprises in the Spring. Will some small east coast school make a run in the tournament this year? Will we see a couple of teams make a run in the NHL playoffs and end up with a Bruins-Sharks matchup, or something equally as nuts? Will the Pirates start off the season 14-3? Who knows?! Well, I’m sure you have an opinion on the matter, right?
Personally, my anticipated surprise of the Spring will be Craig Monroe. I think all he has to do is learn a little more plate patience, and I think he’ll end up being a good contributor for the Twins. What’s your surprise?

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