I’ll never understand love

I'll never understand loveSo, let’s see. Alex Rodriguez has signed the top contract in baseball, or, for that matter, professional sports. If he wants a little strange, he doesn’t have to look far, because he’s wealthy and apparently good looking. So where does he look to dabble? Jose Canseco’s wife? Seriously?
Well, let’s see. She does fall under the “athletically built” category, I suppose. And she would be used to a largely Hispanic man. And after dealing with Canseco’s roided up… situation, she would undoubtedly have low expectations. A-Rod thrives on low expectations!
But then, does anyone believe that A-Rod would knowingly go for Canseco’s wife? Even before Juiced, we all knew Canseco was on something. A-Rod had to know that as well. Would you really want to be with someone who was previously with a guy who built their career by shoving many needles in his ass?
I really don’t know what to think about this situation, but I want to ask what I think is the most important question. When did baseball turn into a really bad soap opera?

(Pictured above: Jessica Conseco and Alex Rodriguez)

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