How you know you have a struggling franchise

How you know you have a struggling franchise
Have you heard? Anyone? Has anyone told you what Tuesday, May 6th was? No? I was. Several times, baseball fans frantically told me that 10 years ago on that date, Kerry Wood pitched his 20 strikeout game. If you know a Cub fan, I’m sure they were happy to tell you about this.
Now, I’m not usually in the business of Cub bashing (I leave that to Steve), but sweet merciful poop. How bad is your franchise if you hearken back to a regular season game 10 years ago as your gleeful memory? Also, have you no self respect? How dare you even think to hearken back to a regular season game? (And yes, to my surprise, that is how you spell ‘hearken’) So, Cubs fans, stop wistfully looking back at things like the Kerry Wood game, because you’re depressing the world. Look instead to the future, because eventually, their is bound to be something good there.

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