The Point Guard Question

The Point Guard QuestionThe big question out there today has to do with Rajon Rondo and Sam Cassell.  I touched on it this morning… but let's go into it a little more.  Here's the theory:

"Doc Rivers is breaking Rajon's confidence by sitting him extended minutes in favor of a veteran point guard he trusts too much."

So the question now is… is this just people making too much of this… or is there some truth to this? 

Cleveland is doing what we though most teams would do all season long… pulling the point guard off Rajon and letting him shoot.  Only right now… he's not shooting much, or well.  He's passing up shots to take it to the hole… and many of those shots are getting blocked. 

So in comes Sam… who can shoot well enough to force the defender to come up on him.  The problem is… the plan is to start passing once that happens… and Sam often still shoots.

So what is Doc Rivers to do?  Is Rondo's playing with less confidence?  And if he is… is it because Doc Rivers is pulling him too quickly in favor Sam?

On the flip side… if one player is playing poorly… isn't he forcing the coach to make a move to his back up? 

Its an interesting debate.  Personally… I'm pushing for Rondo to get back to doing what he does best… defending and distributing… and when they give you an open shot… take it.  That's what has been successful for us so far… and we need to get back to it.

For those of you who missed the Bill Russell thing with Kevin Garnett… here it is.  Prepare for chills.

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