A murder mystery

A murder mystery
Ok, until we find the body, it’s not really a murder mystery. Let’s at least call it a missing person case. Rather, a missing website. Or website feature. Let’s just call it a mystery. Namely, what happened to The Dugout? Where is it? Even the RSS feed at their old site won’t load to tell me what happened. Sure, if you plumb the internets, you can find old stuff if you know exactly the title you’re looking for, but lo! the writer’s visage is no longer there, and it is no longer in any easily serchable category. Furthermore, if you click on the author (in this case B)’s name, it takes you to… NOWHERE! Well, ok the Fanhouse main page. And FURTHERMORE, I find nary a mention of the fate of the Dugout anywhere else on the entirety of the interwebs!
So, what happened? I have two theories. First, Major League Baseball found out and put out a cease and desist order on the site. AOL, not looking to get bad press or run afoul of Bud Selig, quietly squashed the category, leaving a nation to weep. The Dugout was, admittedly, one of the most defamatory and cruel sites out there (OH BOIIII NO JOO DINT!) to players, and as such I wouldnt be entirely surprised if that was the case. Fortunately, the archives are still there at the old National Lampoon site, so if it is an MLB issue, maybe their legal tentacles haven’t reached that far.
Second theory? Technical mishaps at AOL. But why would it take an entire weekend to fix?! This is AOL! Nibbles the hamster is up and running after 4 hours on the DL!
More information as details warrant.

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