A big day for my right hand

A big day for my right hand
Today was a pretty spectacular day for me. I worked overnight last night at Real Job Inc. and got off at 6. I went immediately to bed, because I had to be downtown for the Twins game in the afternoon. Made it down there, had some pretty awesome seats right above the visitors bullpen. I got to see Vicente Padilla’s mullet up close. I got to see Eddie Guardado warming up. There was a strange smudge on his crotch that I don’t want to know about but at the same time find myself morbidly curious about.
After the game, I met one of my sports heroes. Coming from a baseball game, it was one of those incidents that you would never in a million years have expected. You see, at the Mall of America, leaving the transit station, I passed by a car unloading. I happened to look at the gentleman getting out and it was none other than Tony Dungy. Tony Dungy!
Typically, I’m a pretty quiet, shy type, but how many times am I going to be in Minneapolis and have a chance to meet the coach of my favorite team, particularly the one that plays in Indianapolis? Not very often.
So, I turned and I said “Mr Dungy!” and he perked up and looked at me, so I knew it was for sure him. The Colts polo shirt helped with the ID as well. “Huge Colts fan!” I excitedly told him, wearing my Twins garb. He offered his hand and we shook hands as he thanked me for being a fan. I couldn’t really think of anything else to say, because I wasn’t planning on bumping into Tony Dungy today, so I just said “Go Colts!” and walked away. Some people might be embarassed, seizing up like I did, but not me. That was pretty loquacious by my standards. And it looked like he was going to take the train to the airport, so I did what a responsible fan would do and let him be on his way.
The best part was the genuine smile Coach Dungy had when we shook hands. I like to think that he appreciated someone being polite to him. He willfully shook my hand and wasn’t pretentious about it at all. He’s bigger than I expected too, but at the same time almost grandfatherly.
Oh, by the way? That Colts polo that Coach Dungy was wearing? I bought online at the Colts pro shop. That’s right. I get my fashion tips from Tony Dungy.
Then, I played softball, Didn’t go well. I vented my frustrations on the steering wheel and hyperextended my right ring finger. D’oh.

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