Exploring the Vikings’ competence

Exploring the Vikings' competence

While I was mired in computer hell, I kept seeing this article by Jim Souhan. He delights in the change of pace, that for once the Vikings are competent. Have been since that whole Love Boat fiasco. I totally agree. Well, except for a few things.

– He mentions that the top three guys in the organization have stepped up to build an impressive roster, including Jared Allen, which isn’t so much a necessary roster move as it is completely ignoring the real problem with the team.

– “Tampering is only a bad idea if you get caught.” The Vikings got caught. And for Brett Favre.

– The offense is still terrible, despite having Adrian Peterson.

– Bryant McKinnie, Koren Robinson, Darrion Scott, Dwight Smith, et al.

– Ooh, how about signing a wide receiver to be their top wideout when, the previous year, he was the second receiver on a terrible offensive team, worse than the Vikings? And on the team he is coming from, he is being replaced by a corner back!

But other than that stuff, the Vikings are totally competent.

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