Miles Suspended For Diet Drug

Miles Suspended For Diet Drug

Over the past few months there has been several reports claiming Darius Miles would be suspended 10-games for violating the NBA's drug policy. It's official, Miles has been suspended…for using phentermine. Say what? A diet drug can get you suspended in the NBA? Yup, because it's an amphetamine.

Meanwhile, the Celtics spent some time at the White House yesterday with our fearless leader – George W. Bush.

Miles Suspended For Diet Drug

Meeting the President was more nerveracking for Paul Pierce than the playoffs:

"I was more nervous right here today [than during the playoffs]. It's not every day you get to come to the White House and meet the president. My hands were sweaty. I've never been that close to the president."

In other words, his hands weren't sweaty as he was checking Kobe Bryant in the second half of Game 4. Or when he was draining those 3s in the 3rd quarter of Game 1. Need I go on?….

Update:  Here's video of Paul talking about the experience.  Here's KG's reaction.  Here's WBZ's Dan Roche's rerport of the meeting with the President.

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