Blog Action Day – Basketball And Poverty

Today is Blog Action Day.  More than 11,000 blogs are joining together to highlight the problem of poverty in the world.  How are we helping?  By talking about how basketball is helping… and how maybe you can help too. 

The NBA is an inspiration to young kids everywhere.  And the great thing about basketball is that you don't need much to play.  When I was a kid, we cut out a milk crate and nailed it to a telephone pole.  We just needed a ball small enough to fit through it.  That makes the game appeal to kids from Roxbury to Wellesley.  It doesn't matter if you've got a glass backboard and a half court in your driveway… or that milk crate.  Once you're ballin'… you're ballin'.

The game is truly beautiful in that way.  But the sad fact is that many of its fans leave that backyard game and go home to unfortunate circumstances.  Many here in the US, and around the world, have very little.  It's part of why the NBA has launched its NBA Cares and Basektball Without Borders programs.  They are truly fantastic programs that involve every player from every team.  Since 2005, NBA Cares has raised $88 million dollars for charity. 

The Boston Celtics have gone even further… establishing the Shamrock Foundation.  The Shamrock Foundation's focus is to make life better for children in the community.  Among the many beneficiaries is the Horizons for Homeless Children.

You can click on the above links to make a donation. 

And we'll do our part too.  All proceeds from purchases made at the Red's Army Store during the month of October will be donated to the Shamrock Foundation.  Please click the link, buy a shirt, mug, clock… whatever… and know that you're helping someone out by doing it.

Blog Action Day - Basketball And Poverty

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