Rashoid Lewis Upset With Pierce’s Tweet


Back in June, when the Lakers were embarrassing the Orlando Magic, Paul Pierce sent out this tweet:

Lakers vs orlando. Looked like a german sherperd vs a poodle that's ok the rotwieler celtics will b back in 2o10

Not surprisingly, the subject was brought up at Orlando's Media day and dramatically over-hyped by Mike Bianchi of the Orlando Sentinel:

Magic forward Rashard Lewis, during the team's Media Day Monday, took
umbrage with Pierce's Twitter remark and went after Pierce not like a
poodle but like a pitbull.

When a reporter brought up the Orlando Poodles comment made by
Pierce, Lewis emphasized the fact that Pierce made his remark on
Twitter. And you know what that means?

It means, Lewis said, Pierce was "at home" tweeting while the Magic were playing for the NBA championship.

Excellent point.

Wow. Lewis said Pierce was "at home" while he was playing in the finals? Bold words. This is a classic example of a reporter/columnist trying to make something out of nothing. 

Lewis probably wanted to fire back at Pierce, but thought better of it considering he's serving a 10-game suspension for taking a banned performance enhancing substance.

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