KG isn’t exactly fluid out there yet

This video from yesterday's practice shows KG running around… and not exactly looking fluid.  I guess that's to be expected and if he had a serious problem… he'd be sitting on the sidelines.  So it's just something he's got to work through.  (Thanks Jose3030 for the vid).

If that's not unsettling enough… check out what Doc said in the Herald about last year's team

“But I thought last year there were so many other things going on –
you know, contracts, fanfare, all that. I tell you, I think especially
with the young guys, admiration is a difficult beast to deal with. How
you handle that on a day-to-day basis is very challenging. I think that
was a distraction that as a group we didn’t handle nearly as well as
I’d like and as well as we could have.

“I thought we had a lot of different agendas. Guys were looking out
for their own situations more than the team situation. That came
through all year. It was never anything really big, but it was there
all year. You could see it in little things, and I think when you take
it as a whole it really had an effect on our season.”

Ok… let's break that down:  young guys…. contracts… fanfare… admiration.

The admiration and fanfare for young guys seems like it was for Rondo.  The contract seems to point at Glen Davis.  Am I wrong?  Seems to me that Pierce, Ray and KG weren't a problem.  I don't think Perk was in any position to do anything for himself.  Who else is there?

Very interesting stuff.  Maybe last year was a learning experience for those guys.  Actually, it sure as hell better have been a learning experience for them… or whomever it was that put the "I" before the "team." 

Just goes to show that "Ubuntu" can only go so far before human nature takes over

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