The Sacramento Kings have banned exercise balls in their facility… because one exploded under Francisco Garcia while he was lifting… leading to a wrist injury that will cost him 4 months.
Ziller has more on Sactown Royalty.
Amick also reports the team is drafting a memo to send out to all 29
other NBA teams warning of the secret dangers of exercise balls. I
would like to save the Kings PR staff some time, so here's my version: "Kings guard Francisco Garcia broke his arm when the exercise ball he was lifting weights on exploded."
So this goes out to Brian Doo: get rid of those evil orbs of death. I've seen this movie before. No one has ever heard of this kind of injury in the NBA… then all of a sudden it happens to half a dozen guys. Let's not have that be a story line here in Boston… ok? Thanks.
Photo courtesy Getty Images
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