Get Pierce off that exercise ball!!

Pierce excercise ball
The Sacramento Kings have banned exercise balls in their facility… because one exploded under Francisco Garcia while he was lifting… leading to a wrist injury that will cost him 4 months.

Ziller has more on Sactown Royalty.

You knew this had to happen: Sam Amick of The Bee reports that the Kings have banned the use of exercise balls in the Natomas practice facility. In fact. Joe Maloof directed staff to hang signs in the weight room reminding Kings players of the prohibition.

Amick also reports the team is drafting a memo to send out to all 29
other NBA teams warning of the secret dangers of exercise balls. I
would like to save the Kings PR staff some time, so here's my version: "Kings guard Francisco Garcia broke his arm when the exercise ball he was lifting weights on exploded."

So this goes out to Brian Doo:  get rid of those evil orbs of death.  I've seen this movie before.  No one has ever heard of this kind of injury in the NBA… then all of a sudden it happens to half a dozen guys.  Let's not have that be a story line here in Boston… ok?  Thanks.

Photo courtesy Getty Images

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