Danny… reach out to Sam Jones

Sam jones

FanHouse sat down with C's legend Sam Jones for a wide ranging inteview.  Check it out here… but here's the one part that really stood out.

FanHouse: You ever go to see the Celtics play?

Sam Jones:
"No. It's a new regime, new owners,
new management. People ask me why I never go back. I tell them, `I
don't go places where I'm not invited to go.' I won't push myself on
anyone. It doesn't bother me at all. You work for someone, and when
you're finished, you're finished.''


FanHouse: It's hard for me to fathom this disconnect
between the Celtics and guys like you who made the franchise what it is
today. Explain.

Sam Jones: "We don't have reunions, so there is
no connection between the old and the new. There is no follow up on
history. If you don't want to be bothered, then I don't want to be
bothered, either. I have my peace of mind."

Danny… I know you've got bigger things to worry about than the feelings of aging for Celtics.  But reaching out to Sam is the right thing to do.  Part of being a Celtic and a fan of the Celtics is the history.  He's a big part of that history.  Let's find a way to bring him back.

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