For those don't know, Danno is a loyal and passionate Redsarmy reader. He fired off this rant in the comments of the "KG fined $25K for this little diddy" post. It's too good to leave buried in a post. Danno – I hope you don't mind.
I'm tired of it. I don't spend $3000+ per year on my season seats for
this garbage. Every time I watch a losing game I feel like I walked
into a BMW dealership to buy a new car, and I am then forced to drive
off the lot with a 1979 Ford Pinto with BMW decals stuck to it. It's
Bait and Switch. What they are perpetrating is against consumer laws,
and is a criminal act.
I mean seriously, – every other league seems to get it right. The NFL
especially. They really take the time to get everyone together and
correct things when one rule or interpretation thereof seems to be
counterproductive to the playing of the game. Same thing, to a lesser
extent with MLB. Sure, we all realize there will be a human error factor
involved. But that can account for one or two bad calls in a game, not
an ENTIRE GAME being completely prejudiced in favor of one team.
And it's not just our beloved Celtics, either. It happens all over
the league, to and/or for every team. There is no rhyme or reason to it.
I'm disgusted. I received my playoffs tickets in the mail yesterday,
and really didn't even care. I already know what the outcome will be,
and so does anyone else who might have been paying attention to the
trends in officiating this season. It's a Foregone conclusion: "We're gonna get robbed."
We, as loyal fans should get some kind of massive, grassroots
protest/petition going to force out David Stern and the entire
collection of idiots the NBA currently has officiating games in 2010.
But my fear is that most are just too "casual fans" to make any kind of
commitment to it, and it will be a flash in the pan with no real impact.
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Every time the NBA fines a player or coach for stating the
ABSOLUTE TRUTH about how the officials handle a game, they lose even
more credibility as a professional sports league. What KG said was
perfectly accurate. Durant DID almost have more fouls than the Celtics
entire team. And they were treating him like some superstar. and that
goes against EVERYTHING the rules of the game are about.
At this point, the NBA is no longer a competitive sport. It's Sports
Entertainment. They might as well have Vince McMahon running the show
It's really not any different.
You guys who run this blog and lots of others keep saying "Let's stop
bitching about the refs," but you know what? That's f-ing BS.
That is fully blinded acceptance of their fraudulent calls. It does the
league and every single fan a disservice by telling everyone to "shut up
and take it."
Why should we, as money spending, team supporting, ticket buying,
PAYCHECK FULFILLING patrons of this league be forced to keep our mouths
shut while we get blatantly ripped off by suspect, scam artist
officiating? It's plainly obvious that the "fix is in." Now I don't mean
game outcomes being fixed, but more along the lines of what Tim
Donaghey was doing – affecting Over/Unders or point spreads; keeping it
close whenever possible.