Even when they try to do something right, the NCAA is obtuse.

Even when they try to do something right, the NCAA is obtuse.

As you may or may not know, the NCAA has officially come down on the Fighting Sioux nickname of the University of North Dakota, decreeing it offensive to the Dakota tribe of North Dakota. I am of the camp that I have never seen the cause for offense from the above logo or the nickname, however I also believe that, since I am not a member of the tribe, my opinion doesn’t matter. If they are offended, that is their right, and North Dakota should change their logo and mascot. Beyond being offensive, deciding for others what they should or should not be offended by is insulting.
Of course, it’s a two way street. What do I mean? The Spirit Lake tribe has actual approved of the nickname. Essentially, the NCAA is telling the Spirit Lake Dakota what they should be offended by, which, in my mind, should be more offensive than the logo in question. Especially since the tribe isn’t offended by it.
Of course, I haven’t laid all the cards on the table. The Standing Rock tribe hasn’t voted to approve the nickname.Why? Well, here’s the Star Tribune’s write up:

“…the Standing Rock tribal council has resisted calls for it to change its bylaws to allow a vote.”

 That’s right, the NCAA assumes the Standing Rock are offended by the logo because they haven’t reformatted their system of government to discuss this relatively minor issue (in the grand scheme of things). If you recall, the United States of America recognizes the Native American tribes as sovereign nations. The NCAA has now resorted to government building to get what they want. They must be stopped.
Anyways, just to spite the NCAA, I have a proposal. UND should become the Fightin’ Dakota. It could be described as a reflection of the state, all while the Spirit Lake tribe (and the Standing Rock tribe, if they get around to NCAA mandated governmental reform and vote with the Spirit Lake) can be as respected and honored as they wish, and there is nothing the NCAA can do about it. Until they decide that the name “North Dakota” is offensive.

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