Things Eric Wahlund has in common with Chuck Knoblauch

Things Eric Wahlund has in common with Chuck Knoblauch

I finally did it. I got Snipper and Crowbar co-host Eric Wahlund to sign up for Twitter. You can find him @ETrainWahlund. This is big news. The even bigger news? His 10th follower was Chuck freaking Knoblauch. Not that Eric isn’t a tremendous folow, but how the hell did Knobby find him? The question is, what do they have in common?

– Neither are originally from Minnesota

– Neither have successfully thrown a ball to the Yankees first baseman,

– Neither will ever play another Major League Baseball game.

HGH hasn’t really done anything for either of them

– Both have spent some time at the Metrodome

– Both have an elaborate pre-swing ritual (in Eric’s case, it is golf related)

I think that’s worth a Twitter follow, right? I guess Knobby and Eric are best friends now..

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