On the Menu: Bacon and egg wraps

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This is the second non-sports related post in a row, and frankly, if Manti Te’o’s fake dead girlfriend is the top story of the day, then no thank you. Instead, I present to you a not at all revelatory picture of my bacon and egg wraps.

The wraps, if you have 0 powers of deduction, contain bacon and eggs. The bacon is pretty easy to figure out. The eggs were scrambled with potatoes, onions, cheese and salsa. Not bad! If there was anything wrong with it, it was the salsa. The salsa was great tasting, I just used to much of it, so the eggs weren’t the lumpy ideal that you expect from scrambled eggs.  The salsa was pretty tasty though, as it was the kind sent home with chips from El Parian in Eagan, Minnesota. Another free plug! Go there, it’s delicious.

There will almost certainly be a real sports post tomorrow.

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