Details of Lowell Deal

Details of Lowell Deal
After the World Series Mike Lowell was offered $36 million for a 3 year deal with Boston. Mike and his agents were seeking a 4 year deal with the Sox so the tried to see what was out there on the market. It has been reported that the Phillies offered Lowell a 4 year $50 million deal on Sunday. With that offer Mike’s agents went back to the Sox to try to get an additional offer. Theo did not add the extra year but matched the Phillies pay per year upping the offer to $37.5 million Mike took the deal and he is back. It looked like Lowell aways wanted to return to Boston and was just negotiating for his best deal. I think both sides handled this very well and it seems as if everyone is happy. Curt Schilling summed up the general feeling about the deal on his blog yesterday with the title “Sweet!.”

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