Bud Selig Press Conference

Bud Selig Press ConferenceCommissioner Bud Selig held a press conference about the Mitchell Report today where he announced he will act to rid the sport of steroids by doing these 3 things:

1. No 24 hour test notice for players

2. Selig will deal with active players and club personnel in the Mitchell Report. Discipline will be made on a case by case basis.

3. Selig will be proactive in finding new ways to test for steroids.

MLB will work with the NFL for a test for HGH and will hold an HGH summit.

In questioning he says he will take action to protect the integrity of the sport. He will not comment on records or achievements by steroid users. When asked if he is at fault for steroid use in baseball he avoids a direct answer to the question. He also said he has not read the entire report yet.

Not much new here, I wouldn’t put too much faith in his efforts.

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