Should the Sox Sign Jenny Craig?

It works for celebrities, why not ballplayers?
Should the Sox Sign Jenny Craig?
Everyone agrees that you can never have too much pitching. Sox fans reacted favorably to the news that Bartolo Colon had been signed. There’s just one problem. He’s gotta drop some lbs.

Pitching coach John Farrell spoke with the Associated Press about Colon yesterday:

“There’s really no timetable on when he’s going to get in a game,” Farrell said. “Without having really picked up a ball over the past three weeks, it’s going to take him a little time to get back in shape. But he’s a guy that definitely provides us some depth as a starter. To answer any more questions about that, it’s too early to tell.”

“I don’t know the exact number of pounds that might have to be lost,” Farrell said, “but I think there’s some self-acknowledgment on his part that he is a little bit overweight right now.”

Colon will talk to reporters today. Remember, Bartolo, don’t talk with your mouth full.

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