A-Rod Steroid Rumors Cause Distraction for Yankees

Following reports from Jose Canseco’s forthcoming book that alleges that Canseco introduced A-Rod to a steroids dealer, the media has begun asking A-Rod and the Yankees front office questions. So far A-Rod is staying silent, but Girardi and Cashman have had to address the issue.

Cashman told the AP, “He’s been through so much over so long. He’s fine. You don’t predict the future on this stuff, but I would think that this is something that isn’t an issue for him. I’ve got a lot of other things to be worried about more than Alex Rodriguez, to be honest. You’d like to think he’d be the least of our worries.”

Girardi also commented that the issue won’t be a distraction for A-Rod or the Yankees.

Here’s my question for A-Rod and the Yankees. When does talking to the media over and over again about how an issue isn’t a distraction confirm that it is indeed a distraction?

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