Tito Gets Respect From The Nation

You know that it is truly Red Sox Nation when papers in other states are writing about the Sox manager. Take the California’s Contra Costa Times. They dedicate a long story to Terry Francona’s likable personality and his on-the-field success.Tito Gets Respect From The Nation

Former Sox hurler Alan Embree told the Times, “he’s personable to his players. … When you walk in that day, he tries to relate to you. Every person has different problems and different wiring. To take that on is a huge responsibility, and it requires a lot of giving of yourself.”

Tito say his approach is, “to try to make everybody feel important here. Look, I know there are going to be times where they’re not happy with me. It’s my job to give them bad news. But we’ve tried to build trust and let them know we care. That’s always been important to me.”

It’s great to see Tito getting the props he deserves across the Nation.

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