Here Comes the Lugo Bashing

Here Comes the Lugo BashingWith the error on a possible double play ball in the 9th last night, Julio Lugo has once again become the target of the Boston media and a good portion of the fan base. Since J.D. is getting it done this year, many in the media need someone to blame when the Sox lose and Lugo has become that guy. Take a look at some of the bad press this morning:

Boston Herald- Lugo Lets It Go

Boston Globe- Fumble Leads to Sox Loss and Fielding Woes are Mounting for Shortstop

Providence Journal- Which Shortstop Signing Was the Biggest Mistake for Boston: Renteria of Lugo?

Boston Dirt Dogs: Error No. 10: The Defensively-Challenged Shortstop Finally Costs Sox a Win

True he did sign a massive contract ($36 million) but he has never been a great defensive shortstop, Boston knew that when they signed him. Perhaps Tito should put Lowrie in at short as a late inning defensive replacement in the future but they need to keep Julio’s bat in the lineup. (Pedroia could have come in defensively and Lowrie could have moved to short last night) Lugo is batting .293 this season. The Sox pitchers gave up 18 hits last night, Lugo committed one error. Lets put the blame where it belongs; with the pitching staff.

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