The Mets Wuz Robbed!

Carlos Delgado of the NY Mets hit a home run with 2 on in the top of the 4th inning tonight at Yankee Stadium. The ball hit the foul pole and bounced into the stands. It was ruled a home run by 3rd base umpire Mike Reilly. Derek Jeter ran over to protest. After a very brief umpire’s powwow in which you can see home umpire Bob Davidson say ‘foul’, Reilly’s call, made about 90′ feet closer than Davidson’s, was overturned and ruled a foul ball.
Repeated viewings of the replays show the ball clearly hitting the left field pole and bouncing into foul territory. One angle of the replays shows the pole sitting about 2′ inside fair territory! One wonders how many balls have hit that pole and now have a questionable result. That’ll take some research, but for now, we’ll have to take a small bit of solace in that Delgado hit a run scoring single on the next pitch.
TV viewers have the advantage of instant replay that umpires do not have. This play and ensuing questionable call will only keep the discussion continuing.
Mets lead 5-2 in the bottom of the 7th. Uh, make that 11-2. (grin)

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