Yanks Get Beat Up By Sox, Then NY Media

For me there is nothing more fun than reading the New York media after the Sox beat the Yankees. Today proved to have some more entertaining reading, below are a few highlights.

From NY Post:Of course, the Yankees now have to win both games just to get back to the same unfavorable position in which they started the series. Not an exciting prospect.Yanks Get Beat Up By Sox, Then NY Mediaor this from the Daily News:

As for the games, Girardi seems to overthink things at times, whether it was not starting Ian Kennedy because of a bad weather report early in the season, or not bunting Melky Cabrera

earlier this week in a late-inning sacrifice situation, leaving himself open to second-guessing.

He seems to have plenty of respect in the clubhouse, but you wonder if his style creates tension among his players at times. Torre’s style never failed to produce a playoff berth. Fairly or unfairly, Girardi’s style is now officially on trial.

Or this that Dumbass Hank told to the NJ Star Ledger:

“We’re looking into different things,” Yankees co-chairperson Hank Steinbrenner said yesterday by phone. “I think we all had more confidence in what we could do with what we have than what we’ve shown lately.
“I don’t think there’s going to be any — for most teams in baseball, 90 percent of the teams in baseball — there’s not going to be anything major that’s going to happen.”

The Yanks had better do something quick because Ponson is not going to get them into the playoffs.

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