
BarryBonds*BarryBonds*BarryBonds*BarryBonds*BarryBonds*Ain’t gonna happen.

Papi took batting practice before the game with the Twins today and promptly deposited 6 balls out of the park and sprayed line drives all over the place. He pushed himself, as he wanted to know definitively how his wrist was working.

“It feels good,” Ortiz said. “I was trying to swing hard and make sure I don’t feel anything. It was fine, and I’m going to keep doing what the trainers tell me to do and keep working hard.”

While he did mention something about being sore, that will happen to an athlete the first time he uses certain muscles that have been inactive for a period of time. The fact that he had huge smiles on his face is a good sign that he will be back soon, although rest assured that Tito and Theo won’t be rushing him back before he’s ready. Granted, it was batting practice, but this was just his first BP session since the injury occurred. He’ll be back soon.

As for Mr. Bonds*, yes, there had been much speculation a month ago about that alleged call that might have happened, or as of today, most likely will not happen, now that we’ve seen Papi back at the plate. Let’s suppose for just a moment, just one, that Papi was out for the season, or even another month or two. Taking it straight down to the playing field, Bonds would have been a good fit in the line-up as a temporary stand-in. (I won’t say replacement.)


Problem #1? His salary. Since no MLB team has made a pitch for the aging slugger, who by the way has reportedly been working out every day at UCLA, he could probably be had for a song. The Sox are among leading candidates to make it to the World Series this year and were needing a left handed power hitter, but Barry wants a ring more. Supply and demand.

Other problems would also be off the playing field. The media circus that surrounds him would only intensify in a city that has one of the most rabid baseball fan following in the nation, if not the most. Would he be bringing his La-Z-Boy lounger and his entourage to the clubhouse? There’s no love lost between Bonds and Schilling. What kind of tension would that relationship have brought to the clubhouse? Fans have already expressed disgust and even hatred towards Bonds over the lies and cheating, (but such sentiments don’t exist for that coach down the road in Foxboro.) I wonder what Boston fans would think of Bonds had he been hitting all those home runs as the DH for the Sox for all those years.

Whatever. A month ago, this was all fodder for the rumour mill. After Papi’s BP today, it’s all a moot point.

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