Jerry Remy on Coco

I asked Jerry Remy what he thought about the Sox longterm plans for Coco, here is his response:

Jerry Remy on Coco“I have no inside knowledge, but my guess is that eventually Coco will be traded. Whether or not it happens this season is the question.

I wish I could give you a more solid answer, but I honestly don’t know how they will play this.”

It seems that whenever the Sox seem like they have an expendable outfielder someone gets hurt and Coco and Jacoby are both needed to start. My take is that the Sox are going to keep Coco for the season since it seems to be working out, and then trade him for a starter or catcher in the off-season. How nice would it be to have a guy like Coco on the bench to come in as a pinch hitter or defensive replacement in the playoffs?

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