Manny Stirs the Pot

As the season hit the second half Sox fans will have to come to the realization that next year’s team could be very different. Varitek will be a free agent and Boras will try to get as many years possible in a deal which the Sox may balk at. Manny has a $20 million option for next year but if he is to stay on the team he will most likely be given a long term deal. The uncertanties about Manny’s future found their way into the media yesterday when Manny made this comment to the Herald:

Manny Stirs the Pot“I want no more (expletive) where they tell you one thing and behind your back they do another thing,” Ramirez told The Herald. “I think I’ve earned that respect, for a team to sit down with me and tell me this is what we want, this is what we want to do.”

John Henry was none to happy with Manny airing some dirty laundry out in the press and responded with an email to the Herald:

“I find remarks that we have been anything other than completely straightforward to be personally offensive,” Henry wrote. “Manny has been a crucial part of two world championships. I do not believe we would have won either without him. He has never played a more important role than he has thus far this year.”

We will see more of this as the season comes to an end, right now we need to get back to playing some baseball and hope the salary discussions are done in private and don’t become a distraction.

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