“I really don’t think it’s going to be a problem.”

The well respected Peter Gammons was one of the broadcasters during the Red Sox-Angels game today, July 20 at Anaheim, CA. When asked about the recent controversies surrounding Manny Ramirez and what effect it will have on the Red Sox in regards to them picking up his options for 2009 and 2010, Gammons said the following on air: “I really don’t think it’s going to be a problem.” He made more statements regarding Manny’s prowess at the plate and his run producing abilitites, and reaffirmed his belief that he will be in a Red Sox uniform next year. Gammons also completely dismissed the notion, as did Terry Francona, that he purposely sat on those three pitches.

Manny is a space cadet, space shot, clown, buffoon, attention hog…. the list goes on. That list also includes one of the greatest hitters and run producers of all time, (who also happens to be much better defensively than most will admit, blooper reels notwithstanding.) He’s “growing older, but not up.” He’s out there, for sure. He’s shot from the lip, and he’s made mistakes, as we all do. And he got hit with a 5-figure tab (not 6, as some tabloid journalist alleged) among other restitutions for his most recent mistake.

As for his remarks over options that offended John Henry, I didn’t ‘hear’ the words. Very few of us ‘heard’ the words as Manny spoke them. (I looked for an audio link, but could not find one.) Did he speak them in an agressive, demanding, and insulting manner, or was his tone more of despair and inquiry that happened to contain a couple of spicy adjectives? John Henry felt offended when he read what Manny said, and rightly so (taken in the written context.) But the press and the rest of the baseball world will just have to wait and see what shakes out between the Sox brass and Manny before running their collective mouths off. I’m sure other teams are just chomping at the bit at the prospect of Manny becoming available after the season. I wouldn’t put it past some owners and writers that they are fanning the flames, just to see him leave Boston. Can you really blame Manny for wanting to know where he’ll be working in 2011? Wouldn’t you want to know well in advance that you were getting transferred across the country to some other branch?

It seems like writers are trying to make him out to be Boston’s A-Rod. He’s a family man, not a philanderer. (That you have a child does not automatically make you a ‘family man.’ Not when you’re hanging out with strippers and such, instead of your wife and child’s mother.) He may not end his career with as many home runs as A-Rod, but I’m much happier with Lowell and Manny playing the left side rather than A-Rod and Damon.

Manny makes money for Boston. It would be in the best interests of Manny, the fans, and the Red Sox for him to remain in Boston for at least two more years. To see him finish his career in a Red Sox uniform as one of the top 6 or 7 home run hitters of all time would also justify the money spent on his salary today. Personally, I want to see him finish his career with the Sox.
Baseball could use a few more free spirits and a few less stuffed, starched, dumbass shirts.
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