Does Anybody Care about Power Rankings?

This week’s Baseball “Power Rankings” just came out. Is it just me, or does everyone look at these and ask, “Who the hell cares? “

We’ve got a month of Spring Training and a 162 game season to tell us who’s good and who sucks. I think the standings tell you everything you need to know: position in the division, record, last 10 games. What else do ya need?

Power Rankings? What a dumb idea. I kind of understand why these things are helpful in football. You only get a 16-game season, there aren’t necessarily enough games to figure out how good or bad teams really are. In addition to the number that they list for Power Rankings, which is made up of some kind of voodoo formula that is as mysterious as football QB ratings, they include a narrative. This week’s narrative has some stuff on Manny’s issues justifying a lower number for the Sox. What kind of subjective BS is that?

For those of you out there in Internet land who like Power Rankings, tell me why I’m wrong. For the record, the Sox are ranked 4th in the Power Rankings behind the Angels, Rays and Cubs.

One final question, what do you get for finishing the season at the top of the Power Rankings?

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